Sunday, March 19, 2017

Fifth stick

This is the fifth stick
I'm burning today
wishing to end 
on this one
but wanting more ..
Ever since your absence
has been lingering around,
I caught a new addiction;
You hands looked better
but my fingers longed
for more than just few days
for something to hold;
things are pretty same
Or even better
since all that it poisons
is just my body now;
It has its share of attachment
but it does avoid me
from reverting to you-
somewhere I don't belong-
thus, pros exceeded the cons
this time...
In every toxic smoke I take
I wish it erased you away
looks like maths doesn't
work the same
minus , minus didn't end
in plus this time.
But it heals for a while
a short time cure
it provides..
That's what I've been
doing these days
falling for smaller remedies
to forget something big.

Sipping memories

She stirs up his memories Gulps them down in shots ‘What is it like to drink poison And never die? ‘ ‘It tastes sweet at first!’ ...